fashion. love. rubbish

Thursday, April 29

sex panther

 "They've done studies you know. 60% of the time it works everytime..." haha. 

Wednesday, April 28

Parties... them x


in memory

                    ...of my lost fur coat xx

Tuesday, April 27


celebrating my recent vintage find. a vinyl skirt that fits like a second skin. luckiest day!

little tiny op shop on the beach at Buddina

Sunday, April 25

fashion inspired by the fallen

 ANZAC day
My patriotic soldier bf got me up for the dawn service today. 0427 hrs. oooouch. was worth it though. he's wonderful at educating on the importance of remeberence.
we jumped back into bed afterwards but couldn't sleep so i  thought id post some military inspired fashion. sleepy!

Saturday, April 24


Im a bit of a stocking and tights freak. but somehow im managed to miss having some dotty ones. shops todayyyyy xx

Friday, April 23


na na na na na na na na bat maaaannnnnn.

i love this dress. just have to figure out something different to do with it for winter. help?

 Dress by EVIL TWIN

over my head.

''Its the sharp inhalation that comes just before the tears, the one that tugs at her bottom lip, that ruins me. I didn't mean to make her cry. Stupid stupid stupid.'' - written by a boy.

I think i have much better chance of solving world hunger than ever disecting and understanding the mind of a boy. Funny though, because its so hard to resist, and u spend alot of your life wondering, waiting and wishing. And if you're lucky, blissfully happy. Its never going to be about logic....Be in your heart. It knows what it wants.

here's some fashion distraction. 
its simple. i want this jacket. NOW. 

Wednesday, April 21


your weird. i like you.

Tuesday, April 20


Im jut thinking alot today about my girlfriends and how perfect they all are. We are all different but at the same time we're like twins. I could never imagine my life without any of them, and individually they each make a quirky little imprint on my soul.I can't wait to move back to brisbane soon. all the nights in full of vino dvds and mindless chat. And the nights out, searching for some bangin beats ah. loveit.

      "Maybe our girlfriends are our soulmates and guys are just people to have fun with." -SATC-


Monday, April 19


This is some more of staceythestrange's photography. These ones feature one of  my girlfriendS, Carly.
i think she's so beautiful, and these photo's of her are just amazing.


a self portrait photograph of stacey

summer chill

ive been going crazy trying to find my fur coat ive had for 5 years and i think its lost, bah! devoed. its way to warm to wear up at sunny coast in winter anyway but i practically lived in it in sydney. im drowning my sorrows right now in a big sexy jar of crunchy peanut butter. omg yes. 
p.s i found this "jacket" i have. if u can call it that. not quite sure how on earth it will keep me warm, but i'll wear it none the less. its lovely.

Jacket by staple, Cotton on knickers and pink tank

Saturday, April 17


my hairdresser Trish is forever telling me how boring i am with my hair (which i am), and is always trying to make me cut it all off. ah. not ready for that yet. so we do a mulberry rinse thingy annnnnd oops. forgot about the blonde bit in my hair. she likes it. and i dont mind cause its easy to hide. ah well!

harem at home

So i've established that the bf hates any kind of high waisted pants. too bad buddy. and i now know that one of my gf's absolutely hates harem pants. she took these pics one morning just to show me how 'gross' they are. (thanks lu, love u) and i have to admit, they are so unflattering, but they are seriously the comfiest thing i own! 
I put in a picture on the end of harem pants id actually wear out. i think those three actually look hot!

im loving the pair on with the spliiit.

Thursday, April 15


I feel like the need to paint again. I love it. Im not so good at it and half my things just end up a bit crazy and weird but thats how i like it. I painted this dude almost a year ago. Most people aren't a big fan of it, but there's something about him that i like. I think he's a little bit cool and a little bit messy. Ok. alot messy.

Tuesday, April 13



sometimes they're not so bad xxx


some favourite things x

the most comfortable boots in the world, my favourite ring (the middle one) and my most recent music purchase. happiness.

Monday, April 12


Half and half top by Staple, high-waisted shorts, Bardot

Saturday, April 10

all for you

I have seriously never had so much fun in my life then when i trained as a nurse at RPA hospital in sydney. I honestly love my job sooo much! Its hard i wont lie, physically, and emotionally, but everyday i come to work i have so much fun!

RPA Sydney is an AMAZING place to work. I've made friends i know i'll keep for life, and everywhere else i go i know i will too. we can all be totally different ppl, but we all get along so well and take care of each other because we all have one thing in common. We're here for the people xxx

Here is SYDNEY RPA nursing staff strutting their very sexy stuff for 2009 Mardi Gras. Can't wait for the next one!

 This post is dedicated to all allied health staff and the incredible work they do. And all my rainbow friends!
yeeeeoooooowww!Ah. i love my job!